Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Encantadia, November 29 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 28 2016 Replay, please click this LINK.

Brilliant defense.
After the defeat of Hagorn and his army mihan ordered Aquil to just relax in their guarding duties around Sapiro for she believed with the deep wounds suffered by Hagorn uring the fight, he and his army will lay low before they could retaliate back on them. Aquil wondered at how brilliant their defense was thinking Hagorn did not even dare to use his powers. Amihan revealed to Aquil that they struck Hagorn twice with their sword before he could even use his powers. To hopeful Aquil, such weakness defeated Hagorn and his army. Amihan agreed and told Aquil that weaknesses such those exhibited by Hagorn during the battle was the ones they needed to exploit to gain back Lireo and recall the 3 powers he have stolen.

The tale of universal yet forbidden love.
Now that Alena decided to stay in Sapiro, it paved way for her and Ybrahim to rekindle the love for each other they have before. A thing that will deeply hurt Amihan who have learned to like Ybrahim despite the responsibility she have as the queen of the engcantados. Loving someone was not a thing to be taken seriously for her love was sworn not only for Ybrahim but for all the engcantados as their leader and queen. She needed to abhor such feeling for the sake of her kingdom.
The secret behind Lilasari’s forbidden face.
Lilasari took care of Hagorn during his recovery from the wounds he suffered from the battle in the woods. He told Lilasari he vowed a costly revenge against Amihan once he recovers and before all the blood sisters including her daughter Pirena will reunite with each other and battle against him. Lilasari encourage Hagorn to recover fast by telling him she was there to care for her. Hagorn was touched by Lilasari’s care and find consolation from her gesture as he lovingly kiss her hand.  Lilasari seized the opportunity to asked Hagorn his secret why he was the only one who seem not affected by the spell on her and the only one who can see her face to face without turning into stone.  Hagorn urged her not to dare ask again such question for he vowed never to tell anybody about it even her as his wife. And requested her to just understand his reason which Lilasari agreed.

Mira in Sapiro.
Back in the woods, Mira  wandered through and noticed the changes that happened on the terrain she used to know and seemed to have forgotten the way to Sapiro like she used to know. The angel butterfly(retre) that has been with her before in the human world, flew over again to her hand. The butterfly seemed to understand what she needed and requested the creature to bring her to Sapiro. The retre lead the way and guide Mira to Sapiro.
Pawpaw’s courage.
Lira in her loneliest moment in a gloomy room in Sapiro couldn’t help herself but to cry in pity of herself feeling alone and with nobody from her immediate family know her. Little Pawpaw found her crying in desperation and told her he too was lonely knowing that his family was away from him. But since he was brave, he can handle it. Lira was touched by Pawpaw’s innocence and find strength and inspiration from what he have said. 
Amihan’s sorrow.
Amihan witnessed the sweetness between Ybrahim and Alena and could not help herself but to cry for the hurt she was feeling. Lira witnessed and felt the extreme sadness in Amihan as she returned to her room to rest. She was making the Amihan’s bed arranging the pillows and blanket when Amihan arrived with a very sad face. She requested Lira to leave for she wanted to be alone with the hurt that she’s feeling. Even as Lira leave Amihan, her feelings were so heavy wanting not to leave her in such situation. But all she can do was watch and monitor her from afar. That night, Lira prayed hard to God for her feelings.
Goodnight, my Queen!
Alena visited Amihan in her room and find her planning about the meeting she will be having with her troops in the morning. As she was about to leave Amihan’s room, Alena told Amihan she need to be in that meeting too. Sensing something from what Alena have uttered, Amihan reminded Alena that she should be real and true that she no longer have any hatred against anyone from them since does not want Danaya or Ybrahim got hurt. Alena then retract and asked Amihan if she have doubts on her. Amihan told her she have no doubt about her but just wanted to remind her. And Alena turned her back as she said sarcastically, “Goodnight my queen.”
A mother’s love.
Lira got awakened from her sleep when she felt warmth from  the shawl that Amihan covered her as she passed her room. She instantly recognized seeing Amihan shawl covering her.  She immediately prayed and thanked God gratefully for the love and joy the shawl have brought to her. It made her felt somehow her mother's love and care.  A dove suddenly appeared and flew on her hand as if asking Lira to follow it. Lira run chasing the dove outside whom she thought could be Ades.

Encantadia, November 28 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 25 2016 Replay, please click this LINK.

The alliance.
As suggested by Gurna, Pirena and Alena decided that te best way to get back their powers from Hagorn was to
make peace and ally with their sisters Danaya and Amihan.  Pirena urged Alena she needed to set aside her anger over their sisters to be able to be effective in making ally with them.
Cassiopea warns Lilasari.
When Cassiopea and Lilasari had that chance encounter in the woods, Cassiopea plead Lilasari to leave Lireo and give up her plans of getting the powers from Hagorn for those powers are not really meant and destined to be hers.  But Lilasari with her hardened heart over her estranged adopted mother just shrugged her suggestion and focus more on planning her moves to get the powers from Hagorn determined to find every secret that could weaken Hagorn and paved way for her to get the coveted powers.

Let your honesty comes from thy heart and never from thy looks.
Interrogating proved nothing for Danaya  only see truth and honesty from the creature Lira after she was mistakenly thought of trying to attack Amihan in her room as she sleeps. To rule over their doubts over the strange looking creature Lira and stop speculations that she was sent as a spy by their enemies, Amihan ruled that Lira be sent away from Sapiro. Lira with no choice but to obey her queen mother’s wishes was left with no option but to leave Sapiro and head to the woods.

Hagorn decided to pursue Amihan and the engcantados now in Sapiro castle. He ordered Asval and his men to find the way to Sapiro.  Upon reaching Sapiro and seeing it restored, Asval have rekindled his desire to seize the kingdom from Prince Ybrahim thinking the kingdom and its riches rightfully belongs to him. But it was not only Asval who have the desire to get to the kingdom of Sapiro. Back in Lireo, Hagorn was also planning his troops to attack Sapiro, seize it as soon as possible and take Amihan and Danaya’s powers.

Danaya’s power.
True enough,Hagorn and his men rushed to Sapiro to fight the engcantados. The news of the enemies coming was brought by one of Asval’s loyal friend who becomes disheartened by Asval’s  greedy intentions to take back Sapiro.  Amihan and Danaya took the opportunity to carefully plan what to do to the coming enemies. Danaya used her powers to change the terrain of the path to baffle  Hagorn and his troops from getting the path going to Sapiro. Even Lira who was now wandering inside the woods felt the shaking grounds and the as if changing terrains making her wonder likewise if the place was the same woods she was before. Lira walked over the ruins made by the terrains that changed due to the power casted over by Danaya to lure the hathors. She tripped off on one of the ravine and hurt her feet. She decided to sit on a boulder to check on her feet. Unknowingly behind her, Hagorn and the hathors are coming her way.

Hagorn crosses path with the creature Lira.

Hagorn noticed her and asked Agane what kind of creature was Lira. Sensing danger hearing Hagorn’s voice, Lira tried hard not to be discovered. She even disguised her voice as that of another kind of animal in the forest. Agane shouted on her and ordered her to talk. But Lira initially refused due to her fear and shock.  Asval, theorized that the creature maybe could not talk and knows only how to howl like an animal.  Although skeptical with the new kind of engcantado he was seeing, Hagorn ordered the creature to step back so they can proceed in looking for the way to Sapiro castle. Lira tried to step back and walk away from them. Sensing the creature can really understand, Hagorn stopped her by giving him a flash of his powers to startle her, forcing Lira to exclaim and howl to deceive them.

The clash in the woods.

Hagorn seemed convinced ordered to release the creature as he told the creature to take care. But due to Lira’s innate politeness, she replied back using her vocals disproving her lie that she cannot talk and confirming Hagorn’s theory that she can really talk like a human and not just howl like an animal. She was again ordered to stop and face Hagorn who interrogated her by telling them the way to Sapiro. But Lira refused to tell them the path to Sapiro. Amihan from afar heard what the ugly looking Lira told Hagorn that confirmed she was not from the enemies side just like how they thought she was. Hagorn then ordered to kill the creature. As Agane was about to kill Lira, Amihan prevented by a flash of her power. The flash startled the hathors and realized Amihan and the engcantados were trailing them. Seizing the opportunity, Amihan ordered the attack that initiated the fight between the the engcantados against the hathors.

Alena rescued her sisters.

As the fight continues, Alena suddenly appears from nowhere and fight with them. But she was by chance struck by Hagorn’s sword. Seeing Alena struck by Hagorn, Amihan quickly turn to Hagorn and struck him instead as Alena was nearly badly hurt. Amihan ordered Danaya and Ybrahim to go back to Sapiro to immediately treat Alena. Amihan ordered her remaining troops not to fight and not let the hathors go back to Lireo. Defeated again and with Hagorn badly hurt, the hathors were ordered to retreat.
Asval, the traitor.

Asval as in the previous battles can be seen escaping from the fight to save himself. One of his men followed him and asked if they will be joing Amihan’s group in the fighting. But just like in the previous battles, he just told his fellow Saperian that it is not yet time to choose whose side to choose to. As Hagorn was about to leave after he ordered retreat from the battle in the woods, he and Agane chanced to encounter the fleeing Asval. When asked why Aval did not participate in the fight with the, Asval reasoned out that he and his men were also fighting with other Saperians they’ve encountered along.


The test.

In Devas, every unfortunate things that was happening with Lira was carefully being watched by the lord Emre with Khalil beside him. Khalil took pity seeing the sufferings of her sister Lira and wanted to help her. The lord Emre then told Khalil that really wanted him to help Lira but Emre assures Khalil that he already made a way for someone to help her. The lord Emre was talking about Mira who was now planning her way in going back to Engcantadia.

Khalil becomes more and more inquisitive as they see Ether’s works on bringing greed and selfishness that rule over some engcantados. But Emre told Khalil that it is not yet time for him to help the Engcantados especially Lira as Ether was still doing her role in testing the engcantados to decide which path to take.  Doing good will empower them. Whereas choosing the right way will ruin or make them suffer.

Alena’s tactics.

Back in Sapiro, Danaya treated the wound of Alena as Ybrahim watched over. Alena seemed to appreciate what Danaya did to her and thanked her. Ybrahim then appreciated Alena’s help in fighting against Hagorn on their side. Alena replied by telling she cares for her sisters. Danaya then seized the opportunity by asking Alena if she was still angry at her. Alena replied by telling them that there is no point not forgive since it can no longer bring back Khalil’s life. But in her mind was Pirena’s request to set aside her feelings just to be near them and proceed with their plan.  Danaya happily thanked Alena for forgiving her. Amihan and Lira overheard what Danaya and Alena was talking over as she and the creature Lira appeared nearby.

The reason behind the doubt.

But Lira puzzled and secretly whispered on the side why Danaya’s reason why Khalil died was not the real reason of Khalil’s death.  Amihan seemed to hear her whisperings that she asked Lira about Alena and Ybrahim closer again with each other. This made Amihan decide to keep the distance again from Ybrahim for him to be with Alena. And left Ybrahim in grave situation between the two women he loved most. The rest of the engcantados who just came from the battle now approached them and greeted Alena as well. They also noticed the creature Lira whom Amihan defended that she has proven she was not from the enemies side and therefore no longer a threat. Lira was so grateful as she thanked Amihan.

Mira’s return to Engcantadia.  

Sensing great danger, Mira planned to go back to Engcantadia.  In order to gain entry to Engcantadia, Mira confronted the guardian of the gate to the Bandidos of Engcantadia. But as a rule, the guardian reiterated to get a human with her in order to pass. But she refused and demanded to open the gate or she will initiate punishment. But the guardian just laughed and shrugged Mira’s order.  Mira find stones and throw them over the face of the guardian. Out from the sky above, a sword flew courtesy of the lord Emre to Mira’s direction. She grabbed it and threatened the guardian to hurt him unless he let her in. Hurt by several lashes from Mira’s sword, the guardian has no other recourse but to let her in. Upon entry to Engcantadia, Mira encountered and fought with some  bandidos when she tried to asked them about Amihan and Lira. Since she cannot get information from the bandidos, Mira decided to seek Cassiopeia in the woods and asked her about Amihan and Lira. But just like the bandidos, information about Amihan and Lira seemed to not fit what was in Mira’s memory of them.  This loss of memory effect about Amihan and Lira was due to the spell that Ether did to those beings who are in Engcantadia. But since Mira was in the human world, she was not affected by such spell casted by Ether. Mira really felt she have gone toolong from Engcantadia for events seemed to have changed a lot from where she left it before. 

Below, watch Encantadia, November 28 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo! 


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Encantadia, November 24 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 23 2016 Replay, please click this LINK

The warka princess of Sapiro.
Lira was turned by the serpent-god Ether into an ugly looking creature in order to make her suffer and determined to turn the prophecy on her to still come true.  Ether likewise mentioned that at that very moment, changes has been happening according to her whims and prophecy that She should have not been born at all.  Thus her parents will never recognize her at all. But Lira did not lose heart and instead challenge Ether that no matter what she might look and that no  amount and any kind of challenges she might face with her new looks will never weaken her spirits for the love in her heart will make the people she loves eventually recognize her. Having said that, Ether accepted Lira's challenge and set her free as she roam the woods with an ugly looking features.

The first ones that Lira met in the woods after Ether transformed her into an ugly looking creature was one of the nymph who flew to the woods to find Lira following Amihan's orders. But the nymph have doubted and did not believe her though she told everything and that she was indeed Lira. She just flew away from the ugly looking Lira never believing a thing she have said.

Then Lira encountered the two Adamyans, Banak and Nakba.  The two did not recognized nor remember her despite trying so hard to introduce herself. But Lira tried hard to begged for help from them and asked them to brought her to where Amihan was.  Since the Adamyans by nature were loving and lovable creatures, Lira's effort bears positive result and the little creatures helped her to get to Sapiro where Amihan, Danaya and the rest of their fellow engcantados now have transfered to the Sapiro castle. Lira was so grateful to God for granting her request.  Upon reaching Sapiro castle, Banak and Nakba left Lira in a corner as they run inside to seek Amihan as per Lira's request. Lira was left in the corner as she fervently prayed to God to grant her request to make her mother Amihan recognize her through her heart since she knew it will be hard for Amihan to recognize her  through the unformidable look Ether transformed her. 

The humble heart that melted Amihan's heart.

But before she could enter through, Aquil and Muros have prevented her and asked who she was. Obviously they did not recognize her. It was then Amihan and Danaya comes out after Banak and Nakba told them about who was with them to see Amihan. But as she told everybody who she was and how she came to be, Danaya seemed to doubt her still. While Amihan was puzzled why the creature called her 'Inay.'  But because of betrayals and deceptions that happened to them, Danaya was firm not to trust the ugly looking creature claiming to be Lira. Lira begged so hard for everyone to hear her and at least make her stay in Sapiro even if it means being there in exchange of being their servant.  

A leader without a heart goes nowhere.
Amihan faced the engcantados and explain to them her decision to care for the creature despite the risks it may bring to them. She reasoned that what she wanted to to in caring for the strange creature may not be a queen's wise trait but she cannot just change her real self because she knew that 'A leader without a heart goes nowhere.'  Amihan's compasionate heart felt and pity the strange looking creature Lira and ordered Wantuk and Muros to give her food but cautioned them to guard her carefully. Wantuk answered in abeyance to the queen's order as Pawpaw, Banak and Nakba rejoiced! The ugly looking Lira expresse her delight and happiness to Amihan and pat her in her furry hand. Danaya approached Amihan and reminded her that she was again beginning to be soft-hearted. Amihan just replied a smile to her sister.

Below, watch Encantadia, November 24 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo! 

Encantadia, November 25 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 24 2016 Replay, please click this LINK

The alliance.
Back in Lireo, Asval and his men was ordered by Hagorn to look all over Engcantadia for Amihan and the rest of the engcantados in hiding somewhere. He warned Asval that should he fail, he and his men will be fed to the dragons under his care back in hathoria. Asval reasoned out that he already sent the Hagorn's trusted olarcas to sniff and search for them.

Although reluctant over Pirena's idea of cuddling Gitano as an ally, Alena could not anymore resist since they needed an army to fight Hagorn and their sisters. Gitano told Pirena that they should ally with Lilasari since like her, she also wanted Hagorn dead.

The strange ugly looking creature.
Lira was turned by the serpent-god Ether into an ugly looking creature in order to make her suffer and determined to turn the prophecy on her to still come true.  Ether likewise mentioned that at that very moment, changes has been happening according to her whims and prophecy that She should have not been born at all.  Thus her parents will never recognize her at all. But Lira did not lose heart and instead challenge Ether that no matter what she might look and that no  amount and any kind of challenges she might face with her new looks will never weaken her spirits for the love in her heart will make the people she loves eventually recognize her. Having said that, Ether accepted Lira's challenge and set her free as she roam the woods with an ugly looking features.

The humble and compassionate heart.
Lira was so grateful to God for granting her request to get to Sapiro castle through the help of the 2 little yet lovable Adamyans, Banak and Nakba. But true to what Ether have said, nobody recognized her but still fervently prayed to God to grant her request to make her mother Amihan at least recognize her through her heart. Feeling rejected because of her looks, Lira begged so hard for everyone to hear her and at least make her stay in Sapiro even if it means being there in exchange of being their servant.  

A leader full of compassion for the needy.
Melted by the pureness and humility of the ugly looking creature, Amihan's heart melts with compassion despite the risk it may take.  Amihan spoke to the engcantados and explained her decision to care for the creature despite the risks it may bring to them. She said she maybe breaching the protocols on how a leader should act but she cannot change her compassionate heart because  'A true leader in order to be one  must have compassion for the helpless and all those who seek and humbly ask for it.'  She immediately  instructed to feed and watch over  the strange creature who needed their help. Pawpaw, Banak and Nakba rejoiced as they tagged along Lira as their new playmate inside Sapiro castle. Lira, ever thankful expressed her  happiness. Amihan in turn approached her and pat her furry hand as a welcome gesture . But Danaya reminded her that her being was again soft-hearted could put her into risks again. Amihan just shrugged what Danaya have said and give her sister a smile.

Amihan and Danaya continued their talk about the creature now under their care. Amihan though still puzzled why the creature called her mother. Danaya replied by telling her that's one of the very reason of her reluctance to accept her. She sensed that the creature might be insane and could pose risk to them. Amihan instead suggest to Danaya to take charge in observing and assess the creatures every move for them to be able to  assure everyone's safety.

The forgotten precious one.
Lira tried everything to get near to Amihan for her to be able to express her love and win her attention in any way she can. In one instance, she approached Amihan and tell her intimate things only the two of them knew.  Suspicious, Amihan confronts how she could have possibly known her well that much and accused Lira of spying on her. But Lira countered by telling Amihan that she was by nature lovable and a really loving mother to her child. Although puzzled how the stranger knew so much about her but most of all her being a mother, Amihan begins to like the strange looking creature with her in Sapiro.  But Amihan revealed to Lira that she has already accepted her long gone child. She firmly told Lira it was the battle they were in that needed much attention and she bid Lira to go.  Lira stood and left as Amihan was left behind in the long table.

The god Emre.
Outside the entrance of Sapiro castle,Lira was about to leave  whispered upon God about how heartful her heart was as if being stabbed painfully knowing her mother no longer knows her nor think about her. She even asked God why allow Ether do such unformidable things like the ones that happened to her. But unknown to Lira, the god Emre sees how Lira suffers and that she will never abandon he and just be courageous to face her challenges for there will be a very bright future waiting for her.

A father's hug.
As Lira stood by the entrance of Sapiro castle praying to God, Imaw approached her and asked if she was the creature named Lira they were talking about. Lira said yes and faced Imaw to further talk to him. Imaw introduced himself and told Lira he was delighted to meet her. But even Imaw seemed not to remember anything about her.  That was the time Ybrahim came and greeted Imaw. Lira got excited to see Ybrahim calling 'tay immediately and hugged him as he approach them. But like the rest of the engcantados, Ybrahim absolutely have no knowledge about Lira and was even puzzled to see him and asked why she claimed he was her father.  Realizing about her cursive looks, Lira immediately asked forgiveness for her actions as Imaw explained that Lira was the creature being cared by Amihan.  Ybrahim requested Imaw for some talks with Amihan.  And the two went inside the castle leaving Lira behind.

Probing Lira.
As nighttime falls, Lira seek Amihan's room so she can watch her sleep and have the chance to kiss her. She found the room. As Lira watch  Amihan as she sleeps, she recognize her sword on the table nearby. Excited to hold her sword again, she drew the sword out of its sheath. Danaya who happens to check on Amihan saw Lira drawing the sword and prevented her. The commotion awakens Amihan and the sleeping Pawpaw beside her.  Lira explained she has no intention to hurt Amihan and was just fascinated to touch her sword. But Danaya did not believe and drag her for further investigation. Pawpaw plead Danaya to let loose his friend whom he called Kamby. Amihan told Pawpaw that Danaya will just asks her and will never hurt her. Pacified that Kamby was in good hands, Amihan requested Pawpaw to go back to sleep. And the two went back to bed.
Danaya interrogate Lira further with Aquil and Muros and  Muyak around.  But Lira persistedly insists she was the daughter of Amihan and how it washer lifelong dream to come back to Engcantadia to be with her parents. Lira even request Muyak to attest it since she was the one who grew with her in the human world. But just like the rest, Muyak also could not recall anything about her.

The foiled alliance.
Pirena nd Gurna tried going back to Lireo to see Lilasari and talk to her following Gitano's suggestion. Pirena meet Asval on the palace grounds and remind her the risk of her being in Lireo. Pirena requested Asval to make a way in order for her to see Lilasari. Asval get to Micah in turn tell Lilasari who granted Asval's request for a talk. When asked why? Micah told that Asval have seen and spoken wih Gitano and that Pirena has a message for her. Lilasari agreed and granted permission for them to enter her chamber.  Asval accompanied by Gurna entered the chamber. Lilasari told Asval to bring her to where Gitano and Pirena was. Lilasari met with Pirena and Gitano in the woods.  Pirena told Lilasari her plan and intention  to ally with her to get Hagorn's powers. but Lilasari refused to ally with Pirena since she does not trust her and knew she has been a traitor to her sisters before. Alena even tried to win Lilasari by telling her that she was no traitor and can be trusted. But Lilasari was firm she would rather get Hagorn's powers through her own plan and never among the allies of Cassiopeia.  before Lilasari left, she confronted and warn Gitano not to get into any deals using her name especially to allies of Cassiopea.  Lilasari reiterated to Gitano, they will never need the sangres in her plan.  Pirena was so furious over the disagreement with Lilasari and said that if not for Gitano, she should have killed Lilasari. Alena now throw the big question to Pirena of what will be the plan without Lilasari. 

Asval confronted Gitano about his knowledge on the plan to kill Hagorn. But Gitano warned Asval never to speak about it for he will kill him for Lilasari. Gurna butted in by telling Alena that the only way left was to fight to get the powers of their sisters and fight Hagorn.

Cassiopeia faces Lilasari. 
As Lilasari and her company was on their way out from the woods, they encountered Cassiopea along.  Cassiopea sarcastically greeted Lilasari by telling her if she will not even hugged her mother. In reply, Lilasari said she will hug any other traitor other than her. Cassiopeia  told Lilasari that she was now so proud because she was now queen of Lireo. Lilasari in reply told back Lilasari that she has done nothing that made her rose to be the queen of Lireo. Cassiopea instead boasted by telling Lilasari that she was just like her husband who was also greedy for powers. Micah fights Cassiopea in defense of her queen Lilasari.  As Asval was about to rescue Micah in fighting with Cassiopea, Lilasari stopped them by telling them it was her fight with her mother. Lilasari then drew her sword which was formerly the sword of Cassiopea stolen from her before.  Cassiopeia vowed to get her sword from Lilasari before the fight ends. And the two fought with each other. 
Below, watch Encantadia, November 25 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo! 

Encantadia, November 23 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 22 2016 Replay, please click this LINK

Lilasari’s test of loyalty.
After Hagorn learned about the death of Khalil in the hands of Danaya he ordered his troops to retreat and return to Lireo. He theorized the death of Khalil will bring chaos among the blood sisters for now Alena will be so mad with her sisters for having killed Khalil.   Upon reaching back in Lireo, Hagorn faces Lilasari and accused her of being slack in executing his orders to keep tight guard with Alena. He further learned that Alena escaped because Gitano, without mentioning his name, was the one who made her escape. Hagorn ordered Lilasari to kill Gitano for he betrayed his orders. But since Lilasari have that soft heart over Gitano, she could not dare kill her friend Gitano. With stern orders, Hagorn ordered Lilasari to prove her loyalty to him. Lilasari could not do anything but to obey Hagorn and struck Gitano with the sword handed to her by Hagorn. Upon seeing what Lilasari did and seeing Gitano suffer, Hagorn expressed his delight to Lilasari restoring his trust and confidence to her. And as he was about to go, he ordered Agane to make sure Gitano was  not breathing and will no longer breathe again. Agane understood H’s grimly smile promised her master she will gladly execute his orders. After Hagorn left and when Agane was about to struck the sword again to Gitano to make sure he really will be dead, Lilasari pleaded for Gitano’s life and promised Agane she will repay with an equal value someday.  Hearing Lilasari’s assurance of her promise, Agane get loose with Gitano and instructed Lilasari to make sure he will not be seen ever again by Hagorn. Lilasari agreed and Gitano’s life was spared. After Hagorn left and Lilasari remained with Micah and Gitano who have escaped a near death experience from the ruthless orders of Hagorn, Lilasari ordered Gitano to leave with Micah and find a place safe to him.  Lilasari promised Gitano one day he can go ack to Lireo again when her plan succeed. She plan of murdering Hagorn soon and get all powers from him so she can easily punish him.  

Meanwhile, in the woods Pirena managed to persuade Alena to get her revenge to Danaya and Amihan to answer for the death of her son Khalil. She further fired up the hatred within Alena’s heart by telling her their sisters Danaya and Amihan should be stripped with their powers and not worthy to be caretakers of those powers and instead shall be taken from them. Alena on her part wanted revenge by making them suffer equally the way she has suffered over the death of her beloved son. As they walk in the woods, they have encountered by chance the group of Wahid and his co-barbaros from Ascano. Sensing they were just big cowards, Pirena coerced Wahid to tell them where Amihan and Danaya were. They made Wahid confessed by bringing him atop a cliff and threatening to push him to death.

The princess of Sapiro.
Upon learning their sisters’ whereabouts, Alena requested Pirena to create distractions on Sapiro for her to proceed from her plan. When they get to Sapiro,, they’ve witnessed the scene where Ybrahim was bidding farewell to Amihan and Lira on a mission to get Sapiro’s gold treasures back in Sapiro’s castle so that it can be used to procure the needed logistics to arm their army in order to battle with the enemies. Amihan tried to refuse Ybrahim’s offer to get the gold treasure left by his parents by telling him it was supposedly only for him and for the benefit of Sapiro and not sharing it for the purpose of Lireo’s battle with the hathors. Ybrahim was quick to reply to Amihan by telling her that the treasure left by his parents to him, now that Lira was here as their duly legitimate only heir and daughter belongs now to Lira, the true princess of Lireo.

The elusive peace and harmony.
 Ybrahim bid farewell by hugging Amihan and Lira together. A scene that rekindled more hatred and anger to Pirena and most especially to Alena. As per their plan, Pirena will distract as she fight it out with the guards and while Alena tried to snatch Lira away from Amihan.  Danaya learned from Wahid how Pirena and Alena get to Sapiro. Wahid told Danaya how heThe  was threatened by Pirena. Wahid was so worried having witnessed Lira being taken away by her Ashti Alena and offered his company to look for Lira. In one corner, Aquil asked Imaw why chaos and troubles seemed to haunt them all. Imaw told Aquil and the engcantados that the presence of iniquitous and formidable people in Engcantadia will always play risk and threat to their peace.

The powerful and the powerless.
Upon taking Lira away from Sapiro, Alena brought Lira deep in the woods. Holding Lira’s neck as she tried to strangle and threat her, Alena asked Lira what’s so special with her why Danaya have chosen her to live instead of Khalil. Choking, Lira tried to reasoned out and urge her Ashti Alena to come to her senses. Sensing danger upon seeing Pirena around, Lira tried to shout for help. Pirena ordered Alena to silence Lira so she could not shout for help. As Danaya and Amihan scour the woods, they’ve suddenly heard the shout for help by Lira. But following to where the voice was futile for Alena have already taken back Lira’s voice through her incantation and make her suffer at least. Thus no matter how Amihan shouted her plea to Alena not to hurt Lira and for Lira to answer back did not prosper as hatred and anger engulfs Alena and Pirena’s heart from the plea of their sister Amihan. Lira meanwhile passed out as Alena tried to threat her. Upon seeing Lira passed out on the ground, Pirena ordered Alena to finish Lira’s life and kill her. But Alena reasoned she only wanted Lira to suffer the way she suffered from the death of her son but  have no intention of killing her.  Alena also reasoned that she cannot kill Lira since she was protected by Danaya’s incantation that nobody can harm Lira. Pirena then sighed and told Alena she thought it was only she that cannot harm Lira.  And Alena told Pirena the real reason why she took away Lira was to make Amihan feel the way she have suffered.  She then urged Pirena to look for a place where they can imprison Lira. Suddenly, Cassiopeia appeared and confronted them urging them to end their differences with their sisters. But Pirena and Alena tried to fight back Cassiopeia in defense of Lira. As the three of them fight with each other, Lira got back from her senses and flee from the scene. As Lira sneak into the woods, she noticed she can no longer talk nor shout for help. She realized her Ashti Alena have taken out her voice. The serpent-god Ether appeared before Lira. Lira tried to evade Ether and walk away but Ether slammed her in a boulder and she again passed out.  Amihan and Danaya found Alena and Pirena and asked Lira’s whereabouts.  In order to shock and make her suffer, Alena told Amihan, Lira was already dead. In defense of Lira, Cassiopeia appeared before Ether to confront her and make her stop harassing Lira.  But Ether was already fed with Cassiopea’s meddling wit her affairs. Ether ruled over and stripped Cassiopeia off her power as a séance having the eye to see future events in Engcantadia and leave the engcantados all by themselves. Ether once again faced the still dizzy and puzzled Lira. Lira shouted and pleaded for her life. The four sisters heard Lira’s plea and rushed to where its coming. Alena and Pirena used their ivictus to seek for Lira as Amihan slumped on the ground upon learning from Alena what she did to Lira. Danaya helped Amihan to gain back her composure.

Without her powers, Cassiopeia was easily defeated by Ether and confronted Lira again. She told Lira not to worry since she was not the one to kill her but still hopeful the prophecy on her can still happen. She now tells Lira she will prepare her for that someone who will make it happen. Ether vowed she should not be reunited again with her mother nor even see her lovely face.  And so Ether uttered her incantations that started the change in Lira.

Diwani Lira of Sapiro.
Back in Sapiro’s castle, Ybrahim and Wantuk along with other engcantaos were busy preparing the place as the new quarters of the engcantados. Wantuk wondered at how enormous the riches of Sapiro but Ybrahim told him the riches of Sapiro will be used to augment the needed things to make the Sapiro kingdom rise again. Ybrahim was equally happy with the thought that her princess daughter Lira would be delighted to see the castle. And he seem cannot wait longer to show everything to Lira.

The pure heart of an innocent.
Back in Sapiro’s quarter of the engcantados, Pawpaw’s innocence have occupied Imaw’s idle moments and asked the wise elderly why does God allow bad people in both their worlds, the human world and Engcantadia. Imaw told Pawpaw that there would be no people left if the gods will wipe out everyone who have done wrong in both their worlds for everyone have in one way or the other did something wrong and bad in their lives. Pawpaw justified by reasoning out that the gods should have taken instead those that were truly wicked and bad. Imaw added that although it will be very ideal if Emre and the gods will vanish those who are so bad but it could also mean there will be no more heroes and defenders that will rise like how Pawpaw’s spirit guide and the sangres who have appeared to defend the weak and powerless and people will just depend on the gods alone to defend them instead of JUST the people or the engcantados to decide on which side between the right and the wrong we will choose. But pawpaw being a child reasoned that it would be best if Emre and the gods will help. Imaw said to Pawpaw that Emre always and never forget to help us beings by giving us guidance and through other beings that come our way at the right moment and time and save us when we needed it.
Amihan felt the loneliness of missing Lira again and reminisce on their sweet moments together. Aquil and Muros who have come to rescue them couldn’t help but take pity and sympathy over Amihan for the suffering of having lost Lira again. Aquil urged Amihan to go back to the quarters and remind her about her duties as queen of Lireo and the engcantados.

Alena and Pirena found Icarus along the way they met Icarus with someone and asked why he was in the area.  Icarus reminded Pirena about her orders to find Gurna. Pirena was so delighted to see Gurna who was brought by Icarus upon her orders to find her.  Pirena and her Gurna hugged each other tight. As Alena watch over them, Gurna and Pirena gladly exchange pleasantries. Pirena again reminded Alena their mission to get the powers from Hagorn so she can be queen again. In doubt on whether how Pirena will do her plan, Alena ask Pirena how she will be able to be queen again when Hagorn has most of the powers in Engcantadia? Pirena replied that unless she has a much brighter idea, other than her plan of getting Amihan and Danaya’s powers how will they be able to defeat Hagorn?  Alena replied by telling Pirena she only wanted to get her own power so she can  get justice from her unfortunate and sad experience. Pirena thinking viciously told Alena that she can only get justice if she will help her since without any powers they will not be able to get vengeance from Hagorn or their sisters.

Amihan ordered the other engcantados to look for Lira in the woods. She left a message that if ever she can be found or returned in their quarters to go straight to Sapiro castle at once. Everyone gathered and get ready to go out and find Lira. Imaw prefer to stay a bit since Banak and Nakba are still out somewhere. Aquil then ordered Muros to assign some of his men to look for the 2 Adamyan kids and when found order them to go straight to Sapiro castle. And everyone get out to look for Lira with Danaya left to look over Amihan who was in great grief

The strange and ugly warka.
Deep in the woods, Banak and Nakba found a strange and warka-like creature. The creature talks to them but it seem could not understand them while the 2 little Adamyans were puzzled how come the ugly creature knows their names.  That is when Lira realized her strange looks.

Below, watch Encantadia, November 23 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Encantadia, November 21 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 18 2016 Replayplease click this LINK

A father to his children.
Danaya and Lira told  the sad news about the death of khalil to Amihan and Ybrahim soon as the got back to Sapiro. Lira seek forgivenes to her father Ybrahim for her and her ashti Danaya telling him Khalil's death was unintentional and was done to save her life. Ybrahim though saddened by the event worries more about how Alena will he be able to tell everything to Alena. Lira told his father that her ashti Alena already knows about it and that she and her ashti Danaya left her alone beside the tree of life to be able to grieve over Khalil. Ybrahim then requested Wantuk to  accompany him to where the tree was to console AlenaBut talking to Alena leaves not much option to Ybrahim. Alena's heart was so overwhelmed by the grief and anger over the death of her son Khalil. Ybarro tried his best to make Alena be reasonable by telling her he too lost a child and equally share the grief within. Engulf by her anger, Alena even challenge Ybrahim to tell her where she can find her sisters and she will be the one to give justice to their son's death. Ybarro sensing Alena cannot be pacified however way he tried, decided to let Alena be and head back to Sapiro.

The poison Pirena brings.
Seeing and hearing Aleno and Ybarro's arguments, Pirena further exploits the feelings of Alena who now grew furious over Danaya, Amihan and Lira and even told Alena she will help her in finding their whereabouts and revenge for the death of her son.

The lessons of life.
Imaw  learned from Amihan that Ybarro went to see Alena. Amihan confirmed the news to Imaw with a sad face. Muyak noticed it and ask Amihan if the sad face was meant she was jealous over Alena. Amihan told them, jealousy is never a part of her and irrelevant to her being the queen of Lireo. Instead she told them she knows Alena need Ybrahim especially  
during the unfortunate event of Khalil's death. She however hopes Ybrahim could somehow pacify Alena 's anger over Danaya.

When Ybrahim returned later with a sad and long face, Imaw saw Lira so worried over her father.  All Lira could do was watch lovingly her tormented father. Imaw noticed Lira and advice her to learn about the lessons brought by the turn of events and learn from it never to take the ways what her Ashti's have taken giving in to their hatred and anger and suffer the misfortunes in their lives.

That night,as Lira recalls and told to her mother Amihan everything that happened and blaming herself as the reason why her brother died and brought great sorrow to her Ashti Alena and especially her father. Amihan told her not to belittle herself and get weakened by the happenings in Lireo. Lira recalled what Imaw have said before that she need not follow what her mother's sisters have done who were now being enslaved and defeated by their hurt and anger. Amihan instead urged Lira to just treasure surviving from her misfortunes and challenges as an opportunity to do more good for Engcantadia.  Lira appreciated her mother's precious advice. 

An eye for an eye.
Alena have slept holding Khalil's clothes sitting beside Evades' tree of life and wakes up by the touch of Ybrahim. As they tried to recall what has happened between them in the past and the cause of Khalil's death, Alena seek reason and wanted Ybrahim to tell her Danaya's whereabouts so that she can avenge their son's death. But Ybrahim seemed to understand it was just grief that clouted Alena's mind and reasoning.

Imaw learned about from Amihan what happened and that Ybrahim left Sapiro to look and be with Alena as she grieves. Muyak noticed the sadness in the face of Amihan and asked if her sadness means jealousy over Alena. Amihan signed and told them, there is no room for jealousy in her heart and the only thing she hopes and wished now was that may Ybrahim pacify the grief and anger in Alena's heart that can pave way for Alena's anger over Danaya to subside. Imaw told them the key to resolve the situation lies with Alena and only with an open heart and mind that she will she be able to overcome her anger brought by the unfortunate death of her son.

Below, watch Encantadia, November 21 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo!