Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Encantadia, November 15 2016 Replay

Sibling Rivalry

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 14 2016 Replayplease click this LINK.

Shield over Lireo against Ivictus.
With three of the five powers in Encantadia now in the hands of Hagorn, there is no doubt the blood sisters are now outnumbered in strength and power to rule over the entire Engcantadia and that great powers now is in the hands of Hagorn alone. The Sangres has no other way but to battle it out with Hagorn. And to protect the powers in his hands, Hagorn invoked the three powers vested in him and ordered them to fortified the shield in Lireo and the palace against the ivictus power or invicibility power and teleportation ability of each of the Sangres.  The Sangres can no longer use their ivictus in coming in and out of Lireo. upon the invocation given by Hagorn on the three powers vested in him to fortify Lireo's shield.
Pirena without her ivictus.
The first to experience the ivictus does not work anymore was Pirena, Pirena tried to get inside the palace with Gitano to rescue Alena who was captured and  incarcerated by Hagorn at the wine cellar beneath the palace grounds.  Frustrations led Pirena to seek again the help of Cassiopeia in the woods. Upon seeing Cassiopeia in the woods to seek ways on how to get inside Lireo and rescue Alena, But Cassiopeia told Pirena that the alliance with her blood sisters and outnumbering the powers that Hagorn has was now the only way Pirena could set foot and enter again the palace of Lireo.

Celebrating Lira's return to Encantadia.
The morning after Lira's return and reuniting with her royal parents, the group prepared a banquet to celebrate. Everybody was delighted and happy and enjoyed the merry making. The banquet even paved the way make Aquil and Danaya expressed their true feelings with each other with some help out of Lira's naughty ideas. But the feelings between Aquil and Danaya were no happy news for Alira Naswen who secretly have loved Aquil.  Upon seeing Aquil and Danaya's happy moments, Alira rushed through the forest to let go of her broken heart.  Ether, in her serpent looks exploited Alira's weakened morale and jealousy and cooked up a plan for her to join Hagorn's side for revenge.
Defectors and enemies.
In one of the defense meeting of Amihan's troops, Aquil one of the leaders of the troop divulge that the one responsible in providing him information about the movement and events inside Lireo was Asval. Ybrahim was so dumbfounded if Asval could really be trusted since he was one of the main reasons why his father's kingdom, Sapiro fell to the hands of Hagorn and the Hathors. Lira agrees and likewise told that Asval have threatened to kill her before. Sensing that the scene will just lead to unnecessary misunderstanding, Amihan ruled out and said: Let bygone be bygone and what they need at this point where their troop was weakened by such issues was to fortify their troop with defense concentrating on how to defeat Hagorn and his wickedness.

Alira Naswen nursing a broken heart turned to Hagorn through coercion made by the serpent-disguised Ether and reported updates about Amihan's group as her way to seek revenge for her broken heart.

Pawns and targets.
Hagorn planned to battle with Amihan's group informing Lilasari and Khalil. Lilasari instructed Micah to battle siding with Hagorn to gain his favor. Hagorn with his ace pawn, Khalil and armed by Ether's incantations brief and reiterated once again to Khalil the order to kill every one of their enemies including Lira.

As Hagorn plans very well his defense against Amihan’s group and her blood sisters, the wind blows into Amihan’s place to warn her about the forthcoming unfortunate event that will risk the lives of her family and group. She summoned the group immediately about the message howled and whispered by the wind.  The group immediately plan and prepared for their defense. Amihan likewise briefed her daughter Lira about the forthcoming danger and advise her to just stay inside the ruins of Sapiro with Pawpaw, Imaw and the lambanas for safety. Danaya urged to take the battle with the hathors on the nearby bay near the old Sapiro ruins.   

Lira as the chosen one.
Sensing the great dangers about the battle, Lira voiced over her concerns for her royal parents and the engcantados. She understood the concern as normal but reasoned out to her parents that she will not just stay hiding while her group might die in battle just to protect her.  Amihan and Ybrahim where so elated and proud about their daughter’s concern and how she thinks in general for the good and benefit of the entire Encantadia.  Hearing what Lira uttered to her parents, Imaw now understood why the Lord Emre did not allow any other more children to be born between Queen Amihan and Prince Ybrahim.  Imaw concluded that the Lord Emre  must have known in the beginning that Lira is enough and fit to be the future queen in due time.

Esta Sectu!
Upon learning where his enemies are through Alira Naswen, Hagorn decided to gathered his troops and prepare to attack Amihan's group in their hideout in the old Sapiro ruins. With the sounds of battle drums, the full force of Hathoria's troops including the defectors, Asval, Alira Naswen and the ex-cons from Carcero led by Micah have trooped to the bay near Sapiro's old ruins to battle with Amihan's group. Hagorn shouted the battle cry to initiate the battle. 

Esta Sectu!

Below, watch Encantadia, November 15 2016 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Encantadia on primetime TV from the Philippines  We'll be glad to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo! 

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