Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Encantadia, November 29 2016 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, November 28 2016 Replay, please click this LINK.

Brilliant defense.
After the defeat of Hagorn and his army mihan ordered Aquil to just relax in their guarding duties around Sapiro for she believed with the deep wounds suffered by Hagorn uring the fight, he and his army will lay low before they could retaliate back on them. Aquil wondered at how brilliant their defense was thinking Hagorn did not even dare to use his powers. Amihan revealed to Aquil that they struck Hagorn twice with their sword before he could even use his powers. To hopeful Aquil, such weakness defeated Hagorn and his army. Amihan agreed and told Aquil that weaknesses such those exhibited by Hagorn during the battle was the ones they needed to exploit to gain back Lireo and recall the 3 powers he have stolen.

The tale of universal yet forbidden love.
Now that Alena decided to stay in Sapiro, it paved way for her and Ybrahim to rekindle the love for each other they have before. A thing that will deeply hurt Amihan who have learned to like Ybrahim despite the responsibility she have as the queen of the engcantados. Loving someone was not a thing to be taken seriously for her love was sworn not only for Ybrahim but for all the engcantados as their leader and queen. She needed to abhor such feeling for the sake of her kingdom.
The secret behind Lilasari’s forbidden face.
Lilasari took care of Hagorn during his recovery from the wounds he suffered from the battle in the woods. He told Lilasari he vowed a costly revenge against Amihan once he recovers and before all the blood sisters including her daughter Pirena will reunite with each other and battle against him. Lilasari encourage Hagorn to recover fast by telling him she was there to care for her. Hagorn was touched by Lilasari’s care and find consolation from her gesture as he lovingly kiss her hand.  Lilasari seized the opportunity to asked Hagorn his secret why he was the only one who seem not affected by the spell on her and the only one who can see her face to face without turning into stone.  Hagorn urged her not to dare ask again such question for he vowed never to tell anybody about it even her as his wife. And requested her to just understand his reason which Lilasari agreed.

Mira in Sapiro.
Back in the woods, Mira  wandered through and noticed the changes that happened on the terrain she used to know and seemed to have forgotten the way to Sapiro like she used to know. The angel butterfly(retre) that has been with her before in the human world, flew over again to her hand. The butterfly seemed to understand what she needed and requested the creature to bring her to Sapiro. The retre lead the way and guide Mira to Sapiro.
Pawpaw’s courage.
Lira in her loneliest moment in a gloomy room in Sapiro couldn’t help herself but to cry in pity of herself feeling alone and with nobody from her immediate family know her. Little Pawpaw found her crying in desperation and told her he too was lonely knowing that his family was away from him. But since he was brave, he can handle it. Lira was touched by Pawpaw’s innocence and find strength and inspiration from what he have said. 
Amihan’s sorrow.
Amihan witnessed the sweetness between Ybrahim and Alena and could not help herself but to cry for the hurt she was feeling. Lira witnessed and felt the extreme sadness in Amihan as she returned to her room to rest. She was making the Amihan’s bed arranging the pillows and blanket when Amihan arrived with a very sad face. She requested Lira to leave for she wanted to be alone with the hurt that she’s feeling. Even as Lira leave Amihan, her feelings were so heavy wanting not to leave her in such situation. But all she can do was watch and monitor her from afar. That night, Lira prayed hard to God for her feelings.
Goodnight, my Queen!
Alena visited Amihan in her room and find her planning about the meeting she will be having with her troops in the morning. As she was about to leave Amihan’s room, Alena told Amihan she need to be in that meeting too. Sensing something from what Alena have uttered, Amihan reminded Alena that she should be real and true that she no longer have any hatred against anyone from them since does not want Danaya or Ybrahim got hurt. Alena then retract and asked Amihan if she have doubts on her. Amihan told her she have no doubt about her but just wanted to remind her. And Alena turned her back as she said sarcastically, “Goodnight my queen.”
A mother’s love.
Lira got awakened from her sleep when she felt warmth from  the shawl that Amihan covered her as she passed her room. She instantly recognized seeing Amihan shawl covering her.  She immediately prayed and thanked God gratefully for the love and joy the shawl have brought to her. It made her felt somehow her mother's love and care.  A dove suddenly appeared and flew on her hand as if asking Lira to follow it. Lira run chasing the dove outside whom she thought could be Ades.

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