Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Encantadia, January 4 2017 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, January 3 2017 Replay, please click this LINK.
Little Pawpaw goes home. Danaya talked and reminded Amihan about little Pawpaw's Christmas wish of going back and spending Christmas with his family back in the human world.  As soon as everyone was settled and happy after the Christmas banquet, Amihan requested Ybrahim to take care of Lira while she send and return little Pawpaw to his family in the human world. To delight little Pawpaw, Amihan ordered the palace guards to have a formation to bid farewell and respect to little Pawpaw.  Little Pawpaw walk under the arch of swords from Lireo's palace guards followed by Amihan.  After Amihan delivered little Pawpaw to his family and got back to Lireo and update Danaya what happened.
Mira's cold heart.
Ybrahim delightfully obliged to take Lira under his care. After Amihan and little Pawpaw left, Ybrhim ordered Lira's dames to see to it that she can rest well while  he sneak and check the condition of his troops in Sapiro.  Lira in her playful mood chose to playand tease her dames first.  As she teases her dames, she noticed Mira going to the palace terrace and decided to follow her and left her dames. Lira overheard Mira whispering her thoughts about Anthony and teased her. Mira told her to stop it.  Lira then told Mira her plan of visiting their ashti Alena and her mother Pirena. Mira mentioned t Lira that she already tried to invite their ashti Alena to the Christmas banquet but she refused and telling her that she was not yet ready to be with her sisters.  It was then that Mira also told Lira that she's not going to see her mother Pirena for she too was not yet ready to see her.
Reaching out.
Despite refusal of Mira to accompany her, Lira still get to Alena and visited her bringing a basket of fruits to delight her. but Alena told her to get back to her parents.  Lira insisted that she stayed to keep her company for she knows and exprienced herself how it was to be alone and have gone through unbearable sadness.  She told her ashti that she need not be alone for she still has siblings who loved her and that she knows she loved them too.  She told Lira that though she have siblings still, her sisters were the cause of her miseries.  Lira tried to enlighten her by telling her that in life, those we consider important and valuable can sometimes brought sadness and misery.  She cited to Alena the times when her own mother cannot even recall her and how it hurt knowing that her own mother does not recognize her. so much.  Soon as Lira left, Alena prayed to Emre to release all the bitterness and hatred in her heart and help her to accept and recover from the anguish she was experiencing.  Up in Devas, Khalil was hurting seeing his mother suffering and begged Emre to help her.
Lira came to visit Pirena next bringing her also a basket of fruits to delight her. Upon seeing her, Pirena asked why Mira is not with her.  As Lira tried to reason out, Pirena cut her by telling that Mira did not come because she hated her and that they all contribute on why Mira hates her.  Lira told Pirena that they were not telling things that will make Mira hurt her more. Lira admitted she has a certain degree of grudge to her but never to make ruin her image to Mira. But Lira pointed out that she really have forsaken Mira because of her grandeur ambitions. And that she really doesn't seem to care for Mira and it was never their way to ruin her image to Mira.  Hurt by what everything Lira have said, Pirena tried to choke her and told her she should have not come if her only reason was to point out her shortcomings.  She told Lira to go away.  Lira immediately retract and apologize as she told Pirena it not yet too late especially now that Engcantadia's welfare must come first before her selfish ambitions.  Pirena seemed to be touched with what Lira told as tears wells up her eyes.  Lira then hugged Pirena before disappearing and gone back to Lireo leaving Pirena sobbing in between sips from her cup of wine.
Gurna's loyalty.
In Sapiro, after Lira left, Pirena contemplated on going back to Lireo  when Gurna came in. Gurna reiterated that instead of  going to Lireo where she's not welcome.  She urged Pirena to take the opportunity in Sapiro while Ybrahim was not around and take on the troops left by Ybrahim so that upon his return Sapiro will be easier to topple down.  Pirena told Gurna that she will not breach what she and Amihan have agreed upon. And that she will not attempt to kill the man loved by two of her sisters and urge her to shut up and never meddle in her plan.  Gurna then told her that something have changed her and that she was not the Pirena she knew before as there has been things she no longer wanted to pursue. Pirena told Gurna what will be more important than Lireo whom her heart desires.  Gurna then challenge her of taking Lireo with the enough power in her. She told Gurna to stop and discourage the idea since Mira was in Lireo. Gurna told Pirena that she indeed have changed.
As Pirena and Gurna was having a discussion, Hagorn and the hathors suddenly appeared.  Agane threat Gurna with her sword on her neck. Pirena ordered Hagorn to release Gurna as she released the water jewel.  But Hagorn insist on her to give it up instead and await his punishment to her for being a traitor.  Pirena told Hagornthat she hated the blood running in her for it was his blood. Hagorn decided to release his jewels and points it to Pirena.  Gurna rushed to Pirena's side as she unsheath her sword and struck her as she told Pirena, 'Do not mention it.'   Hagorn slowly get to Pirena and like Gurna, he struck Pirena with his sword as he said goodbye.
Below, watch Encantadia, January 4 2017 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Engcantadia  on primtime TV from the Philippines.   We'd like to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan.  Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo!

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