Friday, January 13, 2017

Encantadia, January 13 2017 Replay

To watch and read about the last and prior episode of Encantadia, January 12 2017 Replay, please click this LINK

Agane's desire for the throne.
As baby Deshna was fast asleep inside Hagorn's chamber in hathoria, Agane, stole the baby and instructed one of the winged dragonof the hathors to bring the child in a far away place where destiny will decide on its fate of whether to live or not.  Agane was so engulf on the thinking that baby Deshna was a threat to her being the next in line to the throne of hathoria.      
The tribe of the nymphs have found the baby Deshna and cared for it.  But the hathors was able to find the child when they heard it cry as they search for it on the territory of the nymphs.  When the hathors was about to take back baby Deshna, Alena who happens to be in the area heard the commotion and helped the nymphs drove away the hathors.  But after finding out the baby does not belong to them and learned it was Lilasari's baby, she talked and suggested to the nymphs to allow her to take the baby back to her true mother who she knew must now be so worried looking for her.  Although the baby have already been closed to the nymph who took care of her, she has no choice but oblige to Alena's suggestion and give the baby to her so that she could give it back to her mother.

Aquil's punishment.
In Lireo, Aquil was summoned by the council in order to act on the breach he made defying Amihan's order in order for Hagorn to get what he wished in finding Lilasari and his baby in exchange for Hagorn's promise not to fight with the diwatas and set free the abducted engcantados abducted by Hagorn.  Amihan has no recourse but to implement the punishment to Aquil's wrongdoing.  But instead of giving him the penalty of death, she instead just stripped Aquil with his rank as the mashna of Lireo's army and designate Muros to replace him from his post.   Amihan's decision greatly weighs on her concern over Danaya had she chose death over relieving Aquil of his position as mashna.  Amihan also was also concerned over Lilasari now that her baby was missing and urged Danaya and Muros to help in finding her missing baby.

The search for baby Deshna.
Danaya seek Imaw's help for his magic cane to reveal what really happened to Lilasari's baby.  They all saw from the reflection of Imaw's magic cane that Agane was the one responsible for the missing baby but as to its whereabouts, the cane has yet to reveal.

The hathors continued to search for baby Deshna as Lilasari likewise tried to look for her daughter even encountering the hathors assigned by Hagorn to look for them.

Alena got to Cassiopeia to ask why she did not want baby Deshna to be reunited with Lilasari?  In order for Alena to believe her, Cassiopea let Alena see through her magic sphere what will happen if the baby will be reunited with her mother.  While they were talking, Lilasari arrived and asked who her visitor was.  In order not to be  revealed and let Lilasari see the baby Alena was holding, Alena used her ivictus to disappear leaving Cassiopeia and Lilasari.  Alena brought the child to Pirena's former camp in the woods.  But ahead of her appearance on the camp, Gurna has been there and her saw her with the baby.  Gurna confronted her and tried to get baby Deshna but Alena warned her as Cassiopea appeared to help her overcome Gurna.  Alena decided to get back to the nymph who have taken good cared Deshna before and entrust the baby back to her again as Cassiopea tried to see the future of the child in her. Cassiopeia was delighted that the future will be good for baby Deshna in her care.  The nymph  was thankful to Alena and Cassiopea for entrusting Deshna to her and promise them to take good care of the baby.  Alena even gave her blessings to the child.  Cassiopea instructed her to take and raise the baby up north of Engcantadia away and far from the chaos.  Cassiopea made Alena promise to keep everything a secret.  Alena vowed to uphold it.

Alena got back to Pirena's camp and found Gurna have left.  She reported back to Hagorn about the child Alena was holding back in Pirena's camp in the woods.  Hagorn was so mad to learn that Alena got his child and vowed to confront Alena in the morning.

Meanwhile, Lilasari had an encounter with the Ether, the bathaluman who feed her information about Cassiopea's lies about the whereabouts of her child.  she got back to Cassiopea and confront her about what she learned from Ether.

Amihan checked and visited Pirena in her room where she was confined after her rescue from hathoria.  Pirena requested Amihan to let Mira visit her.  Amihan talked to Mira and the latter obliged to grant Pirena's wish.  Mirasaw Pirena but her cold heart seems to get more colder that she even told Pirena to forget that she was her daughter.

The feeling of being alone.
In Lireo, Lira was so delighted as she told Imaw her encounters with Pirena.   But Imaw reminded her not to trust Pirena so much for she might use her to be able to escape from her bondage.  True enough, the guards have discovered that Pirena have escaped from her room.  She used her power and changed into Danaya's avatar so she can roam inside Lireo.  She proceeded to the armory to get her sword telling the guards she was getting Pirena's sword to better protect it.  She tried getting Adhara's staff but the guard told that they need to seek Amihan's approval to get it.  She reasoned that she does not want to interrupt while Amihan was resting and left the armory.  Changing back to her image as Pirena, she used her ivictus and got to Sapiro which was now stark and empty and only her alone. Pirena wept alone sitting in Sapiro's throne.  She shouted for any Hathor inside Sapiro.  But it was Ybrahim who appeared before her telling that there's no one around.  She challenged Ybrahim anew even if she was just one and alone.
The palace guards roving around Lireo noticed Aquil in the gardens trying to get warm around a bonfire.  One of the guard gave Aquil his cloak to warm him.  The guard then took the opportunity and ask why is he still in Lireodespite his punishment.  Aquil replied that even if he dies he will never leave Lireo away from the one he have loved and nothing compares beyond Lireo.

Lira's dream.
Lira fell asleep while waiting for her mother Amihan in her room.  Imaw expressed his concern on Lira's over confidence in trusting Pirena.  In the morning, Lira woke up screaming from a bad dream involving her ashti Alena being killed by Hagorn.

Below, watch Encantadia, January 6 2017 replay shared publicly on Youtube and follow us on the forthcoming series about GMA Channel 7 Engcantadia  on primtime TV from the Philippines.   We'd like to hear from you and let's bond together mga kababayan.  Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino saan man sa mundo!

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